City of Nanaimo Banners
Nanaimo has been my home for about 20 years. I grew up here, went to University here, started my business here; and now, I’ve moved back to raise my daughter here. The Nanaimo arts culture has undeniably become more and more prevalent in recent years. From art sculptures along the waterfront, to First Nations art hung downtown, it's great to live in a city that values artists.
A few months ago the City of Nanaimo put out a call to artists for Banner submissions. At 38 weeks pregnant, I wasn't sure if I would have the energy to meet the deadline. Fortunately, the little one cooperated and I created an illustration that summed up Nanaimo to me.
What does Nanaimo mean to me? I think one of our strongest assets, as a community, is our ability to cohabit with the world around us. Being a harbour city, the ocean and nature are a huge part of what defines us. I really wanted to show people having fun and enjoying themselves while being in nature, but not disrupting it. Basically, showing respect and admiration for our surroundings.
Needless to say, I was pretty happy that my banner was chosen to be printed. I am honored to have my artwork represented in my hometown.